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Crediti LEED Profili Pavimenti – Prodotti azienda Profilpas (PD)

Anche l’azienda Profilpas con sede a Cadoneghe in provincia di Padova entra ufficialmente a far parte della “green community” GREENiTOP®, cioè in quel ristretto “club” di aziende virtuose che hanno a cuore le performances ambientali dei propri prodotti. Ecco una breve descrizione dei prodotti fabbricati dall’azienda nonchè la sintesi dei crediti ai quali concorrono a fini LEED.


Since 1976 Profilpas produces metal and PVC profiles for the laying of floors and wall coverings in ceramic tile, marble, carpet, parquet and laminate.Thanks to the quality of its products, its wide range of profiles, its exclusive technical and aesthetical solutions, Profilpas has become the Italian leader in its field and one of the main profile manufacturers in Europe.

Our strength lies in our products. For this reason, we devote our utmost care and attention to their quality.

Profiles with spacers, aluminum sublimation, “hot melt” adhesive profiles, and Unisystem® plus are just some of our innovations which we have pioneered in the industry.

Our latest innovation is the PDS (Profilpas Digital System), an innovative digital printing system with which we are able to produce profile embellishments to our client’s requirements.

With a constant internationalization process, Profilpas is also abroad guarantee of a product and a service of great quality. Exports to over 60 countries and has branches and offices in France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Czech Republic, Croatia, Poland and Russia.

Products considered in this document are grouped into the following categories:

  • Aluminium profiles: eg. BATTISCOPA 92/7;
  • Steel profiles: eg. ZQINX / 10, AIX / 20;
  • Brass profiles;
  • Aluminium components: including the joint cover G / 80 / SF;
  • Steel components;
  • PVC components.


Attraverso un’attenta analisi delle caratteristiche ambientali rispetto alla versione 4 del protocollo LEED NC, la società di consulenza QualityNet srl ha verificato che il prodotto dell’azienda oggetto di analisi può contribuire ai seguenti crediti LEED:



Ecco una sintesi grafico/numerica dei products badge concessi in uso all’azienda da parte di GREENiTOP: il primo motore di ricerca per prodotti “made in Italy”, rivolto in primis ad architetti/progettisti/designers per aiutarli a selezionare sul mercato i migliori prodotti “green”, conformi cioè ai requisiti richiesti dai più importanti protocolli internazionali di Green Building.







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